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A Summer “Bucket List”

June 13, 2010

30 Things I Vow to Do This Summer*

  1. Spend time outdoors every day, rain or shine!
  2. Gather everything needed for spontaneous beach or park trips and keep in the car so we’re ready to go at a moment’s notice.
  3. Go strawberry picking…then make freezer jam!
  4. Take Shane tenting camping.
  5. Keep trying to make myself summer skirts…eventually I’ll get one right!
  6. Visit the beach (ocean or lake) at least once a week.
  7. Try as many new-to-us vegetables and fruits as I can find from local farmer’s markets.
  8. Make tomato sauce from scratch from our own tomatoes.
  9. During a summer shower, run outside to jump in puddles and dance in the rain.
  10. Relax in front of a campfire and enjoy s’mores.
  11. Begin a family quest in search of the best local ice cream stand.
  12. Explore tide pools.
  13. Get the fuuny ice-cream-ball-maker-thing out of attic and try making ice cream!
  14. Wear a swimsuit without making a degrading comment about my body.
  15. Wake up after midnight to view the Perseid meteor shower in August.
  16. Make plenty of homemade pizzas — on the grill!
  17. Go to our town’s annual outdoor music festival.
  18. Finish planting the new perennial garden by our apartment steps.
  19. Pick flowers from the garden each week and bring them inside to enjoy.
  20. Remember to use sunscreen on myself, not just on my son.
  21. Push Shane’s bedtime back one night, and head outside to chase fireflies around the yard.
  22. During a heat wave, go out for ice cream instead of dinner!
  23. Get a pedicure…then keep my tootsies flip-flop ready all summer long.
  24. Spend a morning exploring a flea market.
  25. Plan a few special date nights with my husband – even if we aren’t able to leave the house.
  26. Make a sandcastle, and stay at the beach long enough to watch the tide come in to reclaim it.
  27. Keep the freezer stocked with homemade frozen pops, using the same molds my mom had used when I was a child.
  28. Make an effort to find time each day for writing.
  29. Take Shane on a train ride from a neighboring town to the beach for the day.
  30. Work on a bucket list for autumn!

: : : : :

Mama's Losin' It
*This prompt was borrowed from last Thursday’s Writer’s Workshop,
hosted weekly on Mama’s Losin’ It.
(I had this half-written in my draft folder…and then forgot all about it until this morning. Oops…!).

9 Comments leave one →
  1. June 13, 2010 6:57 pm

    This is a really great list. It covers so many achievable things, shouldn’t cost the earth and gives you something to motivate you through the long weeks of summer. I’m looking forward to reading your blog as you cross things off!

    • June 15, 2010 7:52 am

      Thanks! We’re on a really limited budget, so I was hoping to figure out ways to have a wonderful summer without going broke in the process. As a bonus, quite a few of the ideas on the list were things I remember doing as a child, so I had fun replaying the memories as I brainstormed.

  2. June 14, 2010 12:45 am

    What a great list! I look forward to reading of your adventures! You just might have to come on over and guest post with all those great nature play ideas you’ve got! I’m working on my own summer bucket list that I hope to share soon. :0)

    • June 15, 2010 7:50 am

      Thank you! I’m looking forward to reading your summer bucket list (and more than likely, I’ll be borrowing some of your ideas as well!)
      I’ve never guest posted before, that sounds really intriguing! Scary yet fun. =)

  3. June 15, 2010 12:20 am

    I love this list, Crystal! Tent camping and S’mores are on our list too. 🙂

    Also – you should write a post about making homemade pizza on the grill. It sounds delicious!

    • June 15, 2010 7:47 am

      Thank you! That’s a great idea — I’ll have to be sure to get some photos when we make grilled pizza! (I love getting post ideas to hold in reserve for those days when I just stare at the keyboard and have nothing to write!).

  4. June 15, 2010 1:25 pm

    What a fun list! Aside from the bathing suit, anyway. 😉 It sounds like you’re all in for a great summer.

    • June 15, 2010 1:39 pm

      Thanks! I had so much fun just brainstorming this list…I can’t wait to start checking off different items.

      As far as the bathing suit is concerned, I just decided that I’m done knocking myself down. I’m not 16 anymore, and should be proud of my body. The hips and the belly pudge and whatnot are the result of me bringing a pretty amazing little guy into this world, and I’ve decided that I’m not going to allow myself to be embarrassed or ashamed of how I look any longer.

      Now if I could only keep these thoughts in my head when I’m actually on the beach in my swim suit…

  5. June 19, 2010 7:01 am

    What a wonderful idea! I’m working on my own list for the summer.

    I love that so much of your list involves living in the moment. Happy Summer!

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